Useful links

Blueprint Grand Challenge on Chronic Neuropathic Pain

The challenge seeks to shed light on the molecular, cellular and circuit-level changes – or neuroplasticity – underlying the transition from acute to chronic pain.

British Pain Society

An alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients.

American Academy of Pain Medicine

The American society representing physicians practicing in the field of pain medicine. As a medical specialty society, the Academy is involved in education, training, advocacy, and research in the specialty of pain medicine.

PainSTORY (Pain Study Tracking Ongoing Responses for a Year)

The first survey of its kind to provide in-depth insight into how chronic pain impacts the lives of patients over one year.


A medical publication aiming to further the knowledge of current strategies in pain management among clinicians who treat pain on a regular basis and to provide a resource where expert views and advice is given, and sought, on a variety of pain management issues.

Vivere senza dolore (Italian)

A not-for-profit association dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge on useless pain.

PIF – Patient Information Forum

The UK’s largest membership organisation for professionals working in health information. (French)

Information portal on clinical research.

WHO – World Health Organization

A specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with international public health.

RESPECT Patient Needs

A project investigating children's participation in clinical trials with the aim to determine whether there are opportunities to improve recruitment through empowering the children and their parents.

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